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2025-2026 Committees / Specialty Groups

 Annual Convention

Samantha Blair, RP, CRP

Kelley Chaney, RP, CEDS

Linda Odermott, RP, OCP

Jennifer Stammer 

 Biennial Survey Kelley Chaney, RP, CEDS
 Associate/Student Group Emma Burke
 Central Oregon Group VACANT
 CertificationJackie Wang, CP
 Corporate Mandy Rynders  
 Criminal VACANT

 Data Privacy Committee

Kelley Chaney, RP, CEDS,

Brandon Rueda  

 Debtor/Creditor VACANT
 Elections Committee Linda Odermott, RP, OCP
 Emeritus Group MaryAnn Ivie, RP - Emeritus

Jackie Burnett, OCP 

 Estate Planning/Administration Leisa Harvard 
Lori Kovacevic 
 Family Law VACANT
 Immigration VACANT 
 Intellectual Property VACANT
 Job Bank Etsuko Murozono, CRP 
 Legal Service Provider/Sustaining Member Liaison Samantha Blair, RP, CRP 
 Litigation Sanja Newman  
 Membership/Membership Benefits

Etsuko Murozono, CRP

Yuri Poudayel


Brandon Rueda

Emma Burke

 Mid-Willamette Valley Group

Marjorie Machen, CRP

Michael Hoselton

 National Affairs

Marjorie Machen, CRP

Samantha Blair, RP, CRP 

 Oregon Certified ParalegalVACANT
 Paragram VACANT
 Paralegal Day Linda Odermott, RP, OCP
 Policy & ProceduresVACANT
 Pro Bono Kelley Chaney, RP, CEDS
 Program Samantha Blair, RP, CRP 
 Public Relations

Michael Hoselton

 Real Estate VACANT
 Relationship Building (DEI)VACANT
 Social MediaLinda Odermott, RP, OCP
 SW Washington Group VACANT

Brandon Rueda

Linda Odermott, RP, OCP

If you have interest in any of the vacant positions or wish to contact the Committee Chair, please email:


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PO Box 8786

Portland, Oregon 97207

Disclaimer: Paralegals are not permitted to practice law in the State of Oregon and may not provide legal services to the public except as permitted by law. Read more from the Oregon State Bar here

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