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The Oregon Paralegal Association (OPA) is a volunteer-based professional association whose members are paralegals, students, and others who are interested in the paralegal profession.

The Purposes of the Oregon Paralegal Association (from our Bylaws)

Purposes: The purposes and objectives of this Association shall be exclusively of a nonprofit nature, all within the meaning of Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and the regulations thereunder, and shall include the following:

A) To advance and promote the professional and educational standards of paralegals;

B) To encourage and promote the continuing education of paralegals;

C) To uphold and elevate the standard of honor, integrity, and courtesy in the legal profession;

D) To administer a voluntary paralegal certification program in order to achieve the purposes outlined in A, B and C noted above.

E) To promote the employment, advancement, and education of paralegals, regardless of race, sex, creed, color, national origin, age, sexual orientation or political ideology;

F) To establish good fellowship among Association members and members of the legal community;

G) To engage in any lawful activity for which a nonprofit corporation may be organized under the Act and within the meaning of the Code.

Our Affiliation With NFPA

OPA is a 501(c)(6) professional organization and is a member of the National Federation of Paralegal Associations.  OPA has adopted NPFA’s code of ethics.

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PO Box 8786

Portland, Oregon 97207

Disclaimer: Paralegals are not permitted to practice law in the State of Oregon and may not provide legal services to the public except as permitted by law. Read more from the Oregon State Bar here

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