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DISCLAIMER: The OPA membership year runs from May 1st - April 30th of each year. If you apply for an OPA membership prior to May 1st, you will be required to renew your membership at full year rates on May 1 to maintain your membership.

PDF Membership Applications: Although online registration and payments are preferred, hard copy applications and membership dues are still accepted. You may download the current membership application at the following link: Membership Application 2024-2025.pdf 

If you have questions or need technical assistance with the online application, please contact the OPA website administrator at admin@oregonparalegals.org

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PO Box 8786

Portland, Oregon 97207

Disclaimer: Paralegals are not permitted to practice law in the State of Oregon and may not provide legal services to the public except as permitted by law. Read more from the Oregon State Bar here

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