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Leadership Workshop

  • September 09, 2017
  • 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • US Bancorp Tower, 1st Floor Conference Center, 111 SW Fifth Ave


Registration is closed


Join us for the first OPA Leadership Workshop

What it means to be a leader beyond the title

September 9, 2017


8:30-9:00 - Light Breakfast

9:00-9:15 - Introductions

9:15-10:00 -  History of OPA & Positions within Association                                                                           Presented by MaryAnn Ivie, RP® and Tom Holmes, RP®

10:00-10:30 - Board Meetings; Structure and what to expect at a Board Meeting, Roberts Rules of Order              Presented by Brenna Dickey, RP®

10:30-12:00 - Team Building and Conflict Resolution        Presented by Sergeant Troy King, Crisis Negotiation Team Leader, Portland Police Bureau,


***If you are interested in a leadership role within OPA, serving on a committee, or would just like to know more about the association, please join us. 

Register at: https://oregonparalegals.org/event-2622594


Please contact Sam Blair, CRP™ at sblair@dunncarney.com or Mary VanKleeck, CRP™ at mvankleeck@bpmlaw.com if you have any questions. 


 US Bancorp Tower                                                                

1st floor Conference Center Training Room               

111 SW Fifth Ave                    

Portland, OR 97204

-All day parking is available for $3.50 in the lot across the street from the US Bancorp Tower at  121 SW 4th

-Breakfast sponsored by: Betts, Patterson & Mines, P.S.

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PO Box 28264

Portland, Oregon 97228

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