RelativityOne vs Relativity
OPA Litigation Specialty Group
Sponsored and Presented by Novitas
January 19, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
Please join Novitas Data for a comprehensive and in-depth look into RelativityOne, presented by Director of Project Management Stephen Arment. RelativityOne is the new cloud-based version of Relativity that offers increased security, scalability as well as additional embedded premium Applications such as Analytics, Legal Hold, Case Dynamics, Early Case Assessment (ECA), BlackOut (Native Redactions) and well as the full suite Review Platform offerings of standard Relativity.
The webinar attendance link will be provided to registrants the day prior to the webinar.
Please contact OPA Litigation Specialty Group Chair Kelley Chaney, RP at kchaney@dunncarney.com with any questions.
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