Oregon Paralegal Association National Affairs Meeting
Please join us for the National Affairs meeting on Monday, October 4, 2021 at 5:00 PM hosted by Primary Representative, Brenna Dickey, RP and Secondary Representative, Jennifer Stammer, to discuss agenda topics, NFPA Board nominations, and to hear your input on any other national affairs items you may want to discuss.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89602281022?pwd=R2xWSmV1T3drcXJzYUw4ME0wVTRBUT09
Meeting ID: 896 0228 1022
Passcode: 378431
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PO Box 28264
Portland, Oregon 97228
Disclaimer: Paralegals are not permitted to practice law in the State of Oregon and may not provide legal services to the public except as permitted by law. Read more from the Oregon State Bar here.