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Leadership Retreat

  • January 21, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Wilsonville Holiday Inn - 25425 SW 95th Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070

OPA 2023 Leadership Retreat
January 21, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wilsonville Holiday Inn
25425 SW 95th Ave
Wilsonville, OR 97070


9:00 AM - Introductions and Breakfast Buffet (Sponsored by OPA)

9:30 AM - Goals (Association, Committees, Groups, Individuals)

10:30 AM - National Affairs/Convention

11:00 AM - Open Positions - https://oregonparalegals.org/Committee-Specialty-Groups
Most Groups Require Reappointment for 2023)

11:30 - Ethics Committee

11:45 - Open Forum

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PO Box 28264

Portland, Oregon 97228

Disclaimer: Paralegals are not permitted to practice law in the State of Oregon and may not provide legal services to the public except as permitted by law. Read more from the Oregon State Bar here

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